Yellow Crystal Warrior, Kin 116, Day Seli 23
Planetary Moon of Manifestation, Blue Crystal Hand Year

Yellow Crystal Warrior
It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

Banner of Peace

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Kin 253

Red Rhytmic Skywalker

Red Rhytmic Skywalker
Blue Rhytmic NightRed Rhytmic SkywalkerWhite Rhytmic Worldbridger
 Yellow Galactic Star
I organise in order to explore
balancing wakefullness.
I seal the output of space
with the rhytmic tone of equality.
I am guided by my own power doubled.

Yellow Star Wavespell

Power of Elegance

Yellow Magnetic Star

Red Lunar Moon
Yellow Cosmic Sun

Blue Crystal Storm

White Electric Dog
White Spectral Mirror

Blue Self-existing Monkey
Red Planetary Earth

Yellow Overtone Human

Red Rhytmic Skywalker

White Resonant Wizard

Blue Galactic Eagle

Yellow Solar Warrior

Earth Family Members

White Mirror Blue Night Yellow Star Red Skywalker


Blue Rhytmic Night

Day Dreamspell Info

need a date to show this

Find who shares your galactic signature (external link to Foundation of the Law of Time).

"Famous" Red Rhytmic Skywalker

Red Rhytmic Skywalker Please add your comment to Red Rhytmic Skywalker if you are one...
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Red Rhytmic Skywalker Please add your comment to Red Skywalker tribe if you are one...
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(Red Magnetic Skywalker)
Kin 53 Red magnetic skywalker
Posted on White Rhytmic Worldbridger, Kin 6, Electric Moon, Day 4
Christina (Red Solar Skywalker)
I am tall and watch the sky I feel magic in my body, and imagine walking between worlds often.
I relate to Eleven in stranger things; and in numerology as well, for that matter.
I am strengthened by the suns gift of intention.
I am lining up with old energy, awakening in my spirit.
I am guided by these ancestral tones.
All is still and silent, I am at peace
Posted on Yellow Spectral Human, Kin 232, Electric Moon, Day 8
Susan (Red Rhytmic Skywalker)
This explains so much of life and as I have learned more of Galactic Synchronization I have become more of a messenger and bring universal wisdom into the awareness of friends and family. Stepping out to lead the way in my neck of the woods.
Posted on Blue Rhytmic Eagle, Kin 175, Magnetic Moon, Day 7

Rhytmic Please add your comment to Rhytmic tone if you are one...
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(Red Rhytmic Earth)
kia ora whanau
love the rhythm love the beat
Posted on Red Self-existing Serpent, Kin 225, Rhytmic Moon, Day 27
NorthMirror (White Magnetic Mirror)
This is very interresting, alot of new things have come to mind.
Cauac told me I was the dark, that is the light - the dance, that is the stillness.
The universe told me I am the wisdom I seek, so be the change you want to see.

Here are some links of interrest:
Posted on White Self-existing Wizard, Kin 134, Spectral Moon, Day 6
(Yellow Rhytmic Star)
Tone 6 gives balance to my life as part of nature. A rhythmic star I learn to be
Posted on Yellow Spectral Star, Kin 128, Planetary Moon, Day 28