Yellow Crystal Warrior, Kin 116, Day Seli 23
Planetary Moon of Manifestation, Blue Crystal Hand Year

Yellow Crystal Warrior
We don't see things as they are we see them as we are.

Anajs Nin
Banner of Peace

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(the code is a number. how many moons are in this calendar?)



Kin 177

Red Galactic Earth

Red Galactic Dragon
Blue Galactic HandRed Galactic EarthWhite Galactic Wind
 Yellow Rhytmic Seed
I harmonise in order to evolve
modeling synchronicity.
I seal the matrix of navigation
with the galactic tone of integrity.
I am guided by the power of birth.

White Dog Wavespell

Power of Heart

White Magnetic Dog

Blue Lunar Monkey
White Cosmic Wind

Red Crystal Dragon

Yellow Electric Human
Yellow Spectral Sun

Red Self-existing Skywalker
Blue Planetary Storm

White Overtone Wizard

Blue Rhytmic Eagle

Yellow Resonant Warrior

Red Galactic Earth

White Solar Mirror

Earth Family Members

White Wind Blue Hand Yellow Human Red Earth


Blue Crystal Monkey

Day Dreamspell Info

need a date to show this

Find who shares your galactic signature (external link to Foundation of the Law of Time).

"Famous" Red Galactic Earth

Red Galactic Earth Please add your comment to Red Galactic Earth if you are one...
name: email: kin:

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(Red Galactic Earth)
I'm the captain !!!!
hello galactics !!
its great to feel the heart in such a way
wow! what a power !!!
but it can't be misused, that only gives me trouble and anguish and even pain.
but it makes me want to be good and help the Earth our mother
its so great to discover this kin stuff
i always felt some connection but here where i grew up and lived there was no one even distantly linked or related to any of this
Life throws some real challenges at me but oh being on the right path is such an exalting feeling
LOVE to all of you out there everywhere
we are all bringing the much needed light into this darkness
Spread love brothers and sisters !!! We are one !!!
Posted on White Solar Mirror, Kin 178, Magnetic Moon, Day 15

Red Galactic Earth Please add your comment to Red Earth tribe if you are one...
name: email: kin:

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(Red Resonant Earth)
just did this for the first time, this is a whole new realm for me and I am excited to see where it will take me
Posted on White Self-existing Worldbridger, Kin 186, Overtone Moon, Day 11
Ellen (Red Resonant Earth)

In the link above you will find the entire reading for red resonant earth. The website also explains your dreamspell.
i highly recommend this page.
Posted on Red Planetary Moon, Kin 49, Spectral Moon, Day 21
(Yellow Cosmic Human)
'Lam' is the Sanskrit syllable chanted to ground the muladhara chakra - earth energy in this chakra - our bodies carry electro-magnetic energy - focus on root chakra at base or around base of spine and chant gently 'Lam'
Posted on Red Solar Skywalker, Kin 113, Crystal Moon, Day 7

Galactic Please add your comment to Galactic tone if you are one...
name: email: kin:

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(the code is a number. how many moons are in this calendar?)

piet (Blue Electric Eagle)
tmq is a galactic mirror
she runs the most interesting blog on JA (all the way, as opposed to the basics like koestner et al).
hairliine fracture & faultfine diviners unite!!
hairliine fracture & faultfine diviners split (on four, 1 .... 2 ... 3 .. 4)!!!
and may a line of trees grow from sharp crack to smooth mud pool!
Posted on Yellow Self-existing Seed, Kin 4, Crystal Moon, Day 3
(White Galactic Mirror)
Would like to understand the influence of tone in life.....
Posted on Blue Resonant Monkey, Kin 111, Magnetic Moon, Day 3