White Magnetic Mirror, Kin 118, Day Kali 25
Planetary Moon of Manifestation, Blue Crystal Hand Year

White Magnetic Mirror
Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.

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White Dog

(White Self-existing Dog)
I practice the use of the Mayan Calendar since 1987.I am devoted to its teaching and I can say it really changed my life. I was able to connect with my inner force, the force of the heart, and this gave me strength and power to carry on with my life in a different way.Always thankful for my awakening! Always returning to the solar conscience.
Posted on Blue Rhytmic Eagle, Kin 175, Crystal Moon, Day 26
(White Cosmic Dog)
I practice the use of the dreamspell with the classic mayan tzoklin, and the use of dmt/ayahuasca mixes. I have seen a lot of progress (on aspects of myself when I go on a trip on days that are one that goes with 13Oc, like 13Ix, 13Chuen, 13Muluc, 13Ahau or even just one aspect with another, but it is much more powerful on days that I sych perfectly together) with this since using this in sync with classic mayan tzolkin, long count, and haab.
Here is a link to my experieces with dates off them all.
Posted on White Rhytmic Dog, Kin 110, Magnetic Moon, Day 2

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(the code is a number. how many moons are in this calendar?)